When choosing a motor for your roller shutter, it is essential to consider the weight capacity and suitability of each motor option.

Here is a breakdown of the three OZRoll Drive System Battery Motors and their respective weight capacities:

OZRoll Drive System T20 Battery Motor:

The T20 motor is designed to suit the current Oz Roll Drive System using both the ODS and E-Series Controllers. It has a lifting capacity twice that of the L10 motor and can fit even the smallest of headboxes.

OZRoll Drive System T35 Battery Motor:

The T35 motor is also compatible with both, the ODS and E-Series Controllers. While specific weight capacity information is not readily available, this motor is likely suitable for larger roller shutters given its higher model number compared to the T20 motor.

OZRoll Drive System L10 Battery Motor:

The L10 motor has a maximum lifting capacity of 16kg, which is suitable for roller shutters with a curtain weight of 1 square meter = 4kg, or up to 4 square meters of shutter

People choose a specific motor based on the weight of their roller shutter and the compatibility with their existing control system. For lighter shutters (up to 16kg), the L10 motor would be suitable.

For shutters with a heavier weight, the T20 or T35 motors would be more appropriate, depending on the specific weight requirements and compatibility with the control system.

More reading:

Advantages of Battery operated Roller Shutters

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